Key: whole number version (e.g., 1.0, 2.0, etc.) indicates a major new addition of data; a decimal place version (e.g., 2.2, 2.3) indicates the refinement of existing data or the correction of programming bugs that had impeded proper display of the data.
Version 4.1: Launched February 22, 2019
- Data added for studies published through mid-year 2017.
- Moved functionality to download data for all interventions for one country to the Step 1 page.
Version 3.2: Launched October 22, 2018
- Corrections to patient cost categories (e.g. Accommodation was changed to Food/accommodation)
Version 3.1: Launched October 22, 2018 in preparation for the World Lung Conference
- Additional TB patient cost data
- New functionality on the introductory page to download data for all interventions for one country.
- Correction of TB costs for several studies after further data checks
- Functionality created so that if the technology detail is not available in a study (such as the specific regimen), then the technology category (such as first line ART) will show up in the technology detail column in the main results page so that there are not blanks there.
- Bugs in the programming fixed: export feature now working in Firefox; fix the issue of the database jamming when the user went back to step 1 after being in step 2 and displaying results; further refinement to the visualizations.
Version 2.1: Launched September 10, 2018 in preparation for the TB-MAC meetings in Washington DC and the World Bank Learning Series on Skills Building Program: Big data, artificial intelligence, and decision science in health and nutrition.
- 13 more HIV interventions added (for a total of all 31 HIV interventions).
- Patient cost data for TB added.
- Sub-study unique trait column (to describe what is unique about that cost estimate that is not captured in the other display columns on the main results display table, such as site specificity or differences in program implementation), # of sites column, and treatment phase column (only visible when treatment interventions are selected) added to the main results display table.
- Search box added for region and country so that those regions or countries can be searched for by name, and the user does not need to scroll down a checklist.
- Calculation for conversion of currency where costs were presented only in original currency was corrected.
- Bugs in the programming fixed: load speed (due to more than 2000 unit costs being added), double headings in the cost disaggregation (second tier of the results display); visualization chart displays; display on mobile devices.
Version 1.1: Launch of the UCSR at the IAEN pre-conference July 20, 2018.
- 13 HIV interventions and 5 TB interventions included in the database.